przecietny anglik procz jakichs wstawek regionalnych rozmawia poprawnie po angielsku i we wszystkich czasach, bo sa one bardzo intuicyjne. nie znam zadnego brytyjczyka procz moze jakichs ludzi co studiowali sam jezyk, ktorzy by znali takie pojecia jak future perfect progressive, to po prostu wychodzi naturalnie w mowie.
takie kolokwialne pojecia to np. mowiene "you
was eating a sandwich yesterday" zamiast "you
were eating a sandwich yesterday" + duzo slangu, ktory nie jest niepoprawny, tylko jest dialektem, ale z poziomu polskiego ciezko to zrozumiec, bo w naszym jezyku takie cos nie wystepuje i ciezej nim manipulowac.
tu jest typowy tekst, ktory pokazuje, ze w normalnych sytuacjach korzysta sie ze wszystkich czasow:
Yes we really do (simple present). I'll explain (simple future) how I became (simple past) an ESL Professor. By the time I am done, you will have experienced (future perfect) all 12 tenses. Plus, I have always (pres perf) enjoyed a challenge. Here goes! Btw, I am using (present progressive) my phone, so forgive me if I make a typo.
Anyway, I've been teaching (pres perf prog) English for a lot of years. I was between jobs and took a class on how to teach English. I hadn't thought (past perfect) about teaching before that class. I just stayed with it⌠In fact, by the time I finish this semester, I will have been teaching (future perf prog) for 10 years I think.
During the course, I had some doubts. I was wondering (past prog) if I was up to it because I was older han the other students. Now ten years later, I will be getting (future prog) a second masters (in education) here in Korea! Originally, I had been thinking (past perf prog) of going back to the USA and back into psych, but I have decided to stay in this field.
ciekawe jest np to ze dla mnie angielski jest pierwszym jezykiem, a nie widze zbyt wielkiej roznicy pomiedzy "I always enjoyed a challenge", a "I have always enjoyed a challenge", chociaz ten drugi przyklad wydaje sie bardziej poprawny intuicyjnie i w rozmowie raczej to z niego bym skorzystal