Welcome to Nostalrius. I am glad to announce that we are ready to open our first 8.0 server hosted on United States – Virginia.
The server will only be available to play on Thursday, 23 of May 20:00 GMT -03. You can download the client on May 23.
Place a valid email in the register to be able to activate your account and SAVE your Security Key.
The accounts must contain 5-7 numbers and the passwords must contain upper and lower case letters, accompanied by numbers and special characters to ensure better security for the players.
Fearless Experience Stage
1 Level to 20 Level: 25x
21 Level to 40 Level: 15x
41 Level to 60 Level: 10x
61 Level to 100 Level: 5x
101 Level to 120 Level: 4x
121 Level to 140 Level: 3x
141 Level to 160 Level: 2x
161+ Level: 1x
Skills: 8x
Magic Level: 4x
Loot: Custom
Website: Nostalrius (http://fearless.nostalrius.com.br/register)
Server Address: go.nostalrius.com.br
Client: Custom
Bonus Experience
Sharing experience will give additional experience depending on the party size and vocations.
Activating shared experience among the character of:
Same vocation: 20%
2 different vocations: 30%
3 different vocations: 60%
4 different vocations: 100%
Frag System
White Skull: 15 Minutes
Red Skull: 3 Days
Ban Time: 3 Days
Frags to Red Skull: 5 kills in a day (16 in a week and 32 in a month)
Frags to Banishment: 8 kills in a day (32 in a week and 64 in a month)
General Information
Premium Account: Paid
Promotion: Premium Account
Outfits: Premium Account
Boats and Spells: Free Account
PZ Lock: 15 Minutes
Spells Charge: Conjured Runes: 2x and NPC Runes: 1x
War System: PvP-Enforced
Protection Level: Rookgaard
Protection Zones: Boats and Carpets
Level to Buy House: 50
Level to Create Guild: 20
Nostalrius Team