Przeklejam zapowiedź serwerka jakby ktoś miał ochotę pobić się na oldschoolowym Yurku ;D Start dziś o 20:00
Start in May, 10 - Create your account in
It's Classic!
Based in the last release of YurOTS version 0.94f.
Server Informations
Canada (Start 5th)
Port: 7272
Game Port: 7273
Experience stage start in: 50x
Magic: 8x
Skill: 16x
Loot: 3x
New Quests
Slime Manhole
Pits of Inferno
Suicide Crew
Join the Club Fight
Black Knights House
Drunk and High but fighter
Dwarf Hostage
Systems and Miscellaneous
Monster Tasks
Daily Monster Bonus
Reputation bonuses
Shared party experience
New Outfits
New Items(sets from new creatures)
Antibot client
Discord Server
Enter in your discord server: Join the Discord Server! (
Thank you and have a good time!