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Temat: Java (podstawy) problem z programem

  1. #1
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    Domyślny Java (podstawy) problem z programem

    siema, mam zadanie domowe na jutro ale mam problem z 1 rzecza.

    Otoz mam stworzyc 3 klasy, 1 z kwadratem ktory sie porusza, 2 ktora stworzy 5 kwadratow na raz poruszajacych sie razem i 3 ktora stworzy kilka takich "zestawow" kwadratow.

    pierwsze 2 mam zrobione, ale 3 mi nie smiga w ogole.

    Prosze pomozcie bo stracilem nadzieje

    Kwadrat (dziala)
    package assignment1;
        * Square class
        * Author:  Tony Cooke
        * Date:    2009
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Square  
       private double x,y;      // Current position of the square.
       private Color color;     // The color of the square.
       private int side;   // The side of the square
       public Square() // constructor
          x = 100;
          y = 100;
          side = 5;
    	  color =;
       public void draw(Graphics g) 
          // Draw the square in the graphics context g.  Note: The drawing color
          // in g is changed to the color of the square.
          g.fillRect( (int)(x), (int)(y), (int)(side), (int)(side) );
       public void setSide(int r)
           side = r;
       public int getSide()
           return side;
       public int getX()
            return (int) x;
       public int getY()
            return (int) y;
       public void setX(int xIn)
           x = xIn;
       public void setY(int setY)
           y = setY;
    }  // end class Square
    Grupa kwadratow (dziala):

    package assignment1;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class FleetOfShips
        private Square[] fleetMembers; // declare fleetMembers as an array of Square
        private int total = 5; // Max number of squares in fleet
        FleetOfShips() // Constructor
            fleetMembers = new Square[total]; // create an empty array with 5 "locations"
            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) // loop: carry on whilst i is less than 5, add 1 each cycle
                fleetMembers[i] = new Square();  // create a Square object for location [i] in the array
                fleetMembers[i].setX (i * 10); // multiply i by 10, and pass this to the setX method
                fleetMembers[i].setY (i * 10); // multiply i by 10, and pass this to the setY method
        public void draw(Graphics g)
            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) // loop: carry on whilst i is less than 5, add 1 each cycle
                fleetMembers[i].draw(g);    // ask fleetMember[i] to draw itself
        public void goSouth(int howFar)
            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) // loop: carry on whilst i is less than 5, add 1 each cycle
                // ask fleetMember[i] for its current Y position
                // then add howFar (howFar to go south) to it
                // then pass this to the setY method 
                fleetMembers[i].setY (fleetMembers[i].getY() + howFar); 

    Grupa grup (nie dziala):

    package assignment1;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class FleetOfFleets
        private FleetOfShips[] fleetMembers; // declare fleetMembers as an array of FleetOfShips
        private int total = 5; // Max number of squares in fleet
        FleetOfFleets() // Constructor
            fleetMembers = new FleetOfShips[total]; // create an empty array with 5 "locations"
            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) // loop: carry on whilst i is less than 5, add 1 each cycle
                fleetMembers[i] = new FleetOfShips();  // create a FleetOfShips object for location [i] in the array
                fleetMembers[i].setX (i * 10); // multiply i by 10, and pass this to the setX method
                fleetMembers[i].setY (i * 10); // multiply i by 10, and pass this to the setY method
        public void draw(Graphics g)
            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) // loop: carry on whilst i is less than 5, add 1 each cycle
                fleetMembers[i].draw(g);    // ask fleetMember[i] to draw itself
        public void goSouth(int howFar)
            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) // loop: carry on whilst i is less than 5, add 1 each cycle
                // ask fleetMember[i] for its current Y position
                // then add howFar (howFar to go south) to it
                // then pass this to the setY method 
                fleetMembers[i].setY (fleetMembers[i].getY() + howFar); 

  2. #2
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    private FleetOfShips[] fleetMembers; // declare fleetMembers as an array of FleetOfShips
    Masz tu tablicę tablic, więc powinieneś iterować po każdej tablicy statków, a następnie po każdym statku z osobna:
    FleetOfFleets() // Constructor
    	fleetMembers = new FleetOfShips[total]; // create an empty array with 5 "locations"
    	for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) // loop: carry on whilst i is less than 5, add 1 each cycle
    		for (int j = 0; j < total; j++) 
    			fleetMembers[i].fleetMembers[j] = new FleetOfShips();  // create a FleetOfShips object for location [i] in the array
    			fleetMembers[i].fleetMembers[j].setX (i * 10); // multiply i by 10, and pass this to the setX method
    			fleetMembers[i].fleetMembers[j].setY (i * 10); // multiply i by 10, and pass this to the setY method
    To samo w draw i gosouth

  3. Reklama
  4. #3
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    A tak na prawde to powinien zrobic metode w fleetofships, ktora iteruje wsszystkie swoje statki,
    a w fleetoffleets zrobic metode ktora iteruje wszystkie swoje zestawy i wykonuje dla nich swoja metode.

    Nie powinien w metodzie iterujacej po zestawie bezposrednio iterowac statkow, tym powinien sie zajac zestaw a nie wlasnie zestaw zestawow.

    Do przeniesienia do działu sprzęt i oprogramowanie -> programowanie
    Ostatnio zmieniony przez Bazan : 21-02-2014, 15:33
    Dreaming by drumming. ˆˆ™


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