Pokazuje wyniki od 1 do 5 z 5


  1. #1

    Domyślny [ELFBOT] MASIHUD 1.1

    Wyglada tak:

    Dostepne kolory($HudColor):
    Dostepne pozycje($HudPos):
    Do zmiany:
    set $HudColor blue
    set $HudPos left
    set $Item1Name Skull Staff
    set $Item1Price 6000
    set $Item2Name Boots Of Haste
    set $Item2Price 30000
    set $Item3Name Dragon Scale Mail
    set $Item3Price 40000
    set $Item4Name Focus Cape
    set $Item4Price 6000
    set $Item5Name Giant Sword
    set $Item5Price 10000
    set $Supply1Name Health Potion
    set $Supply1Price 50
    set $Supply1ID 266
    set $Supply2Name Mana Potion
    set $Supply2Price 50
    set $Supply2ID 268
    Wklejamy do hotkeys>edit (klikamy save + zaznaczamy 'Persistent')
    set $HudColor blue
    set $HudPos left
    set $Item1Name Skull Staff
    set $Item1Price 6000
    set $Item2Name Boots Of Haste
    set $Item2Price 30000
    set $Item3Name Dragon Scale Mail
    set $Item3Price 40000
    set $Item4Name Focus Cape
    set $Item4Price 6000
    set $Item5Name Giant Sword
    set $Item5Price 10000
    set $Supply1Name Health Potion
    set $Supply1Price 50
    set $Supply1ID 266
    set $Supply2Name Mana Potion
    set $Supply2Price 50
    set $Supply2ID 268
    --Don't change anything below--
    set $Item1Amount 0
    set $Item2Amount 0
    set $Item3Amount 0
    set $Item4Amount 0
    set $Item5Amount 0
    set $Supply1Used 0
    set $Supply2Used 0
    set $startexp $exp
    auto 1 dontlist | if [$HudColor == Blue] { set $COLOR1 0 | set $COLOR2 128 | set $COLOR3 255 }
    auto 1 dontlist | if [$HudColor == Green] { set $COLOR1 0 | set $COLOR2 255 | set $COLOR3 64 }
    auto 1 dontlist | if [$HudColor == Yellow] { set $COLOR1 255 | set $COLOR2 236 | set $COLOR3 0 }
    auto 1 dontlist | if [$HudColor == Orange] { set $COLOR1 255 | set $COLOR2 147 | set $COLOR3 0 }
    auto 1 dontlist | if [$HudColor == Red] { set $COLOR1 254 | set $COLOR2 48 | set $COLOR3 48 }
    auto 1 dontlist | if [$HudColor == Purple] { set $COLOR1 143 | set $COLOR2 71 | set $COLOR3 231 }
    auto 1 dontlist | if [$HudColor == Pink] { set $COLOR1 251 | set $COLOR2 125 | set $COLOR3 248 }
    auto 1 dontlist | if [$HudColor == Aqua] { set $COLOR1 128 | set $COLOR2 255 | set $COLOR3 255 }
    auto 1 dontlist | if [$HudColor == Grey] { set $COLOR1 192 | set $COLOR2 191 | set $COLOR3 184 }
    auto 1 dontlist | if [$HudPos == Right] { set $POS1 [$screenright+55] | set $POS2 [$screenright+15] | set $POS3 [$screenright+20] | set $POS4 [$screenright+65] }
    auto 1 dontlist | if [$HudPos == Left] { set $POS1 [$screenleft-150] | set $POS2 [$screenleft-190] | set $POS3 [$screenleft-185] | set $POS4 [$screenleft-250] }
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor $COLOR1 $COLOR2 $COLOR3 | setpos $POS1 [$screentop+90] | displaytext "MASIHUD 1.1"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor $COLOR1 $COLOR2 $COLOR3 | setpos $POS2 [$screentop+110] | displaytext "General Info"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS3 [$screentop+130] | displaytext 'Ping: [$ping]'
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS3 [$screentop+150] | displaytext "Stamina: [$cutstr.'$formattime.$stamina'.4.5"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS3 [$screentop+170] | displaytext "Session Length: $formattime.$deltatime"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS3 [$screentop+190] | displaytext "Experience: $formatnum.[$exp-$startexp] ($formatnum.$exph per hour)"
    auto 1 dontlist | set $Earned [$Item1Price*$Item1Amount+$Item2Price*$Item2Amount+$Item3Price*$Item3Amount+$Item4Price*$Item4Amount+$Item5Price*$Item5Amount] | set $Wasted [$Supply1Used*$Supply1Price+$Supply2Used*$Supply2Price] | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS3 [$screentop+210] | displaytext "Profit: [$Earned-$Wasted] GP" 
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor $COLOR1 $COLOR2 $COLOR3 | setpos $POS2 [$screentop+240] | displaytext "Loot list"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS3 [$screentop+260] | displaytext "[$Item1Name]: $Item1Amount ($formatnum.[$Item1Price*$Item1Amount] GP)"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS3 [$screentop+280] | displaytext "[$Item2Name]: $Item2Amount ($formatnum.[$Item2Price*$Item2Amount] GP)"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS3 [$screentop+300] | displaytext "[$Item3Name]: $Item3Amount ($formatnum.[$Item3Price*$Item3Amount] GP)"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS3 [$screentop+320] | displaytext "[$Item4Name]: $Item4Amount ($formatnum.[$Item4Price*$Item4Amount] GP)"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS3 [$screentop+340] | displaytext "[$Item5Name]: $Item5Amount ($formatnum.[$Item5Price*$Item5Amount] GP)"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor $COLOR1 $COLOR2 $COLOR3 | setpos $POS2 [$screentop+360] | displaytext "Earned:" 
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS4 [$screentop+360] | displaytext "$formatnum.[$Item1Price*$Item1Amount+$Item2Price*$Item2Amount+$Item3Price*$Item3Amount+$Item4Price*$Item4Amount+$Item5Price*$Item5Amount] GP"
    auto 1 dontlist | foreach 'newmessages' $I1 if [$I1.content ? '$Item1Name'] {set $Item1Amount [$Item1Amount+1]}
    auto 1 dontlist | foreach 'newmessages' $I2 if [$I2.content ? '$Item2Name'] {set $Item2Amount [$Item2Amount+1]}
    auto 1 dontlist | foreach 'newmessages' $I3 if [$I3.content ? '$Item3Name'] {set $Item3Amount [$Item3Amount+1]}
    auto 1 dontlist | foreach 'newmessages' $I4 if [$I4.content ? '$Item4Name'] {set $Item4Amount [$Item4Amount+1]}
    auto 1 dontlist | foreach 'newmessages' $I5 if [$I5.content ? '$Item5Name'] {set $Item5Amount [$Item5Amount+1]}
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor $COLOR1 $COLOR2 $COLOR3 | setpos $POS2 [$screentop+390] | displaytext "Supplies List"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS3 [$screentop+410] | displaytext "[$Supply1Name]: $formatnum.$Supply1Used ($formatnum.[$Supply1Used*$Supply1Price] GP)
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS3 [$screentop+430] | displaytext "[$Supply2Name]: $formatnum.$Supply2Used ($formatnum.[$Supply2Used*$Supply2Price] GP)
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor $COLOR1 $COLOR2 $COLOR3 | setpos $POS2 [$screentop+450] | displaytext "Wasted:"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos $POS4 [$screentop+450] | displaytext "$formatnum.[$Supply1Used*$Supply1Price+$Supply2Used*$Supply2Price] GP"
    auto 1000 dontlist | set $PrevSup1 $CurrentSup1 | countitemsvisible $Supply1ID | set $CurrentSup1 $count | if [$CurrentSup1 < $PrevSup1] { set $Supply1Used [$Supply1Used+$PrevSup1-$CurrentSup1] }
    auto 1000 dontlist | set $PrevSup2 $CurrentSup2 | countitemsvisible $Supply2ID | set $CurrentSup2 $count | if [$CurrentSup2 < $PrevSup2] { set $Supply2Used [$Supply2Used+$PrevSup2-$CurrentSup2]}
    Wiecej info
    Ostatnio zmieniony przez Masi : 12-04-2016, 05:23 Powód: Update 1.1 - Mozliwosc zmiany kolorow + pozycji

  2. #2

    Data rejestracji
    Siła reputacji


    Cytuj Masi napisał Pokaż post
    Cytat został ukryty, ponieważ ignorujesz tego użytkownika. Pokaż cytat.
    Wyglada tak:

    Do zmiany:
    set $Item1Name Skull Staff
    set $Item1Price 6000
    set $Item2Name Boots Of Haste
    set $Item2Price 30000
    set $Item3Name Dragon Scale Mail
    set $Item3Price 40000
    set $Item4Name Focus Cape
    set $Item4Price 6000
    set $Item5Name Giant Sword
    set $Item5Price 10000
    set $Supply1Name Health Potion
    set $Supply1Price 50
    set $Supply1ID 266
    set $Supply2Name Mana Potion
    set $Supply2Price 50
    set $Supply2ID 268
    Wklejamy do hotkeys>edit (klikamy save + zaznaczamy 'Persistent')

    set $Item1Name Skull Staff
    set $Item1Price 6000
    set $Item2Name Boots Of Haste
    set $Item2Price 30000
    set $Item3Name Dragon Scale Mail
    set $Item3Price 40000
    set $Item4Name Focus Cape
    set $Item4Price 6000
    set $Item5Name Giant Sword
    set $Item5Price 10000
    set $Supply1Name Health Potion
    set $Supply1Price 50
    set $Supply1ID 266
    set $Supply2Name Mana Potion
    set $Supply2Price 50
    set $Supply2ID 268
    --Don't change anything below--
    set $Item1Amount 0
    set $Item2Amount 0
    set $Item3Amount 0
    set $Item4Amount 0
    set $Item5Amount 0
    set $Supply1Used 0
    set $Supply2Used 0
    set $startexp $exp
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 0 128 255 | setpos [$screenleft-150] [$screentop+90] | displaytext "MASIHUD 1.0"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 0 128 255 | setpos [$screenleft-190] [$screentop+110] | displaytext "General Info"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-185] [$screentop+130] | displaytext 'Ping: [$ping]'
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-185] [$screentop+150] | displaytext "Stamina: [$cutstr.'$formattime.$stamina'.4.5"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-185] [$screentop+170] | displaytext "Session Length: $formattime.$deltatime"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-185] [$screentop+190] | displaytext "Experience: $formatnum.[$exp-$startexp] ($formatnum.$exph per hour)"
    auto 1 dontlist | set $Earned [$Item1Price*$Item1Amount+$Item2Price*$Item2Amount+$Item3Price*$Item3Amount+$Item4Price*$Item4Amount+$Item5Price*$Item5Amount] | set $Wasted [$Supply1Used*$Supply1Price+$Supply2Used*$Supply2Price] | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-185] [$screentop+210] | displaytext "Profit: [$Earned-$Wasted] GP"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 0 128 255 | setpos [$screenleft-190] [$screentop+240] | displaytext "Loot list"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-185] [$screentop+260] | displaytext "[$Item1Name]: $Item1Amount ($formatnum.[$Item1Price*$Item1Amount] GP)"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-185] [$screentop+280] | displaytext "[$Item2Name]: $Item2Amount ($formatnum.[$Item2Price*$Item2Amount] GP)"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-185] [$screentop+300] | displaytext "[$Item3Name]: $Item3Amount ($formatnum.[$Item3Price*$Item3Amount] GP)"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-185] [$screentop+320] | displaytext "[$Item4Name]: $Item4Amount ($formatnum.[$Item4Price*$Item4Amount] GP)"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-185] [$screentop+340] | displaytext "[$Item5Name]: $Item5Amount ($formatnum.[$Item5Price*$Item5Amount] GP)"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 0 128 255 | setpos [$screenleft-190] [$screentop+360] | displaytext "Earned:"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-250] [$screentop+360] | displaytext "$formatnum.[$Item1Price*$Item1Amount+$Item2Price*$Item2Amount+$Item3Price*$Item3Amount+$Item4Price*$Item4Amount+$Item5Price*$Item5Amount] GP"
    auto 1 dontlist | foreach 'newmessages' $I1 if [$I1.content ? '$Item1Name'] {set $Item1Amount [$Item1Amount+1]}
    auto 1 dontlist | foreach 'newmessages' $I2 if [$I2.content ? '$Item2Name'] {set $Item2Amount [$Item2Amount+1]}
    auto 1 dontlist | foreach 'newmessages' $I3 if [$I3.content ? '$Item3Name'] {set $Item3Amount [$Item3Amount+1]}
    auto 1 dontlist | foreach 'newmessages' $I4 if [$I4.content ? '$Item4Name'] {set $Item4Amount [$Item4Amount+1]}
    auto 1 dontlist | foreach 'newmessages' $I5 if [$I5.content ? '$Item5Name'] {set $Item5Amount [$Item5Amount+1]}
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 0 128 255 | setpos [$screenleft-190] [$screentop+390] | displaytext "Supplies List"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-185] [$screentop+410] | displaytext "[$Supply1Name]: $formatnum.$Supply1Used ($formatnum.[$Supply1Used*$Supply1Price] GP)
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-185] [$screentop+430] | displaytext "[$Supply2Name]: $formatnum.$Supply2Used ($formatnum.[$Supply2Used*$Supply2Price] GP)
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 0 128 255 | setpos [$screenleft-190] [$screentop+450] | displaytext "Wasted:"
    auto 1 dontlist | setcolor 255 255 198 | setpos [$screenleft-250] [$screentop+450] | displaytext "$formatnum.[$Supply1Used*$Supply1Price+$Supply2Used*$Supply2Price] GP"
    auto 1000 dontlist | set $PrevSup1 $CurrentSup1 | countitemsvisible $Supply1ID | set $CurrentSup1 $count | if [$CurrentSup1 < $PrevSup1] { set $Supply1Used [$Supply1Used+$PrevSup1-$CurrentSup1] }
    auto 1000 dontlist | set $PrevSup2 $CurrentSup2 | countitemsvisible $Supply2ID | set $CurrentSup2 $count | if [$CurrentSup2 < $PrevSup2] { set $Supply2Used [$Supply2Used+$PrevSup2-$CurrentSup2]}
    Wiecej info
    A na co to komu, ElfBota nie wykorzystam na RL, a na OTS kto zbiera jakieś sziety z ciała potwora.

  3. Reklama
  4. #3


    Update 1.1 - Dodana mozliwosc zmiany kolorow + pozycji

  5. #4
    konto usunięte


  6. #5


    mi potrzebne

    dzieki ziomal z fartem


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